jueves, 29 de enero de 2009

The Duchess (2008)-.

I finally watched "The Duchess" and absolutely adored it ! ♥ It's been one amazing acting of Keira that its believable as a strong woman, from a little child to a grown one that has to face all the problems in her life. she Fights for her marriage, her love, her childrens and beyond.! I loved the film, it's well done and frankly is really worth to watch.! It mostly shows what Georgiana has to go through, and it does it well. Ralph Fiennes (♥), he's really amazing! The best one in the movie, next its Keira and Hayley Atwell. Also, Dominic Cooper! aww! sweet.

Anyway! Hope you guys see it ! It has a powerful Keira has acts very well doing a 17 year old girl to a 27 year old woman. Nice. No more words! :) Here are some scenes that I really enjoyed!

1 comentario:

Cristina Elliott dijo...

girl! im /lovely__kate with a blog about films. remember /the_sweetestside? well i decided to close it down! and open this instead :P

much love!